Amino Acid - Benefits and its Functions

The amino acid is an organic acid in which one or way more hydrogen atoms are replaced by NH2 group. It is 1 of the organic compounds, which represent the finish item of the protein breakdown. All proteins are made up of amino acids. An amino acid consists of a carbon atom, a zero cost amongst group (containing nitrogen-NH2) and a carboxyl group (COOH). Amino acids are amphoteric in reaction and form salts with both acids and bases. The amino acids in the body are derivatives of saturated fatty acids. Amino acids are colourless, crystalline substance, soluble in water, without difficulty diffusible and (except glycine) optically active. When the amino and carboxyl groups of amino acids combine acid residues. A peptide thus consists of two or far more amino acid residues linked by peptide bonds.

The metabolism of protein is meant by metabolism of amino acids. There is continuous exchange of amino acid from tissue to blood and other body fluids and reversely from body flui to the tissue. The size of amino acid pool represents the balance between the removal and additions of amino acids are in two groups based on the form in which amino acids are put to use.

I. Functions served by intact amino acid

1. Synthesis of cell protoplasm. Amino acids are vital to build up living cells, since proteins are primary and critical constituents of them.

2. Taking up wear and tear. Amino acids repair the damaged parts when tissue proteins break down through metabolism.

three. Storage of protein. In adult/elderly men and women, protein breakdown exceeds protein synthesis proteins can't be stored when nitrogen equilibrium is established. But they can be stored in active/expanding age, when protein synthesis exceeds protein breakdowns.

4. Essential amino acids: There are some amino acids, which cannot be synthesized in the body, but are crucial for growth and upkeep of life.

5. Other synthesis procedure. Amino acids support in synthesis of bile acids, plasma proteins, haemoglobin, hormones, enzymes, milk proteins in lactating mothers, glutathione and cytochrome, purine and phyrimidine, melanin, antibodies, and formation of rhodypsin and urea. When the above functions are served by the amino acids in tact form, to the needed stage, the surplus amounts of amino acids break down and undergo the following next group of functions.

II. Functions of Amino acids even though breaking down

1. Supply of power. Amino acids liberate power on break down at the rate of 4.3 Calories per gram of protein.

2. Dynamic action. Amino Acids even though breaking down, excret a distinct stimulating action to the extent of about 30% on tissue metabolism.

three. Deamination. During deamination under the influence of certain enzymes, the amino acid losses its radicle, into nitrogenous component and non-nitrogenous portion, each of which carry out separate function.

The nitrogenous part, ammonia, a sizeable portion (80%) of it is converted to Urea, and the smaller element combines with acids to form ammonium salts. It is also utilized for the synthesis of basic amino acids like glycine, alanine, glutamic acid and some nitrogenous substances like creation, purine, uric acid, pyrimidine, lecithin and so on.

The non-nitrogenous residues are utilized as carbohydrates, and some also get broken down as fatty acids in the body. It suphur and phosphorus components get converted into their compounds before excretion.